Friday, September 01, 2006


Do you like comics? Well, I do. A lot. A whole lot. So, the concept of 'online comics' excited me from the beginning. First, I was reading any drawn/written bullshit over there, but now, I have a selected few ones to admire. Here are some examples, maybe some day I post more, maybe you'll have to go all the way to discover them, who knows.
The one above is Gunnerkrigg Court.

Then, there is Inverloch of course:

Although the story is not that well, this one is still on my list because of the beautiful artwork:

That's all for today.

two endings

Well, he's gone now and I have to go on with my life, for a couple of months at least. Then I can see him again... Probably...
Anyway, I'm about to finish that monstrousity of a book, I never knew translating would be that boring, even if the book itself was nice. I hope lots of people read it. I am most certainly no writer, I would get bored to death after having done more than ten pages, I even have difficulties with long poems, you know, but I admire those who can do it. Especially if the result is good. So I hope, I did a good job and gave the essence of the book right. Because it's not just about what the author wanted to say, but also how she wanted to say it, so it's not an easy job, I tell you.
Now, back to work.