Friday, December 04, 2015

On language and its implications

I had an interesting exchange today with someone, revealing that even though we were speaking in the same language (but one none of us is a native of) using the same type of words, we were managing to be completely tangential as for the meaning. After the initial shock, I started to think, maybe a common language is not what connects us as people, but rather creates an illusion of clarity, an expectation of instant transfer of understanding, which in turn causes a larger disappointment when this does not happen.  Intercultural and interpersonal differences still play a huge role in our perception of others' feelings and thoughts, and the fact that we are stringing together words drawn from the same pool is not enough to close that gap. On the contrary, misunderstandings become not only much more common, their effects are much more drastic as well. Since the resulting confusion cannot be blamed on the language difference per se, one starts to assume malicious intent. Then things start to get tricky. In any case, slinging personal insults carries pretty much the same meaning across the board: it is unproductive, bad form, and frankly, a sign of immaturity.  Those should be avoided at all cost, if the goal is to reach to any understanding at any time in the future. Also, fuck you.

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